Frequently Asked Question

Please find below list of FAQ(Frequently Asked Question). Read through the question and answer if you have any query or concern regarding anything related to AllSpice LMS system.

Password reset must have more than 8 characters including 1 capital letter/ 1 special character and 1 number. You may use this link for password reset : link. If still unable to reset please call up the technical helpdesk.

Ensure that all boxes have been filled out. Please reach out to helpdesk in case you are not able to create a account.

Student has not been enrolled to the course, they can do it manually or with the help of trainers to help them enrol into their course

There will be Blue ticks on each completed module of courses. Once all modules have the blue ticks, course have been completed. (Helpdesk can further assure if the course has been completed)

Account that has already been registered will have an activation email sent to their email. Activate the account. Helpdesk can also help you to activate the account.

Ensure that the email that you use to login is the same as the first day of the course. If unsure please contact helpdesk

Refresh the website and make sure that cookies/cache has been cleared.

No, please enroll yourself in only to the course you’re attending, mis-enrolled courses will be deleted by admin.

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